“Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Dr and Dr (Mrs) Olu Osaloni.

Presiding Pastors

Olu and Sarah Osaloni are the Lead and Co-Pastors at RCCG Open Heavens Christian Centre, Platt Bridge. They are both ordained ministers in the Redeemed Christian Church of God. And by the special grace of God, through divine guidance with steady support of the congregation, they have progressively steered the parish since inception.

Olu is a qualified Barrister and Solicitor and holds a PhD in Public International Law and an Advanced Diploma in the Christian Ministry. Sarah holds a Medical Degree in Medicine and Surgery, a B.Sc. degree in Biomedical Science and an M.Sc. in Global Health Management.

We believe that God has called us to REACH out to our local communities, with a mandate to reform, rebuild & restore destinies through prayer and the undiluted word of God, and together, as a body of Christ, to ESTABLISH the purpose of God for our generation. We aim to give people the Word of God in an easy-to-understand language with love built upon a tripod of prayer, holiness and evangelism.

Pastor Ayo Olubiyi

Our Sending Pastor

Pastor Ayo Olubiyi is the Senior pastor at RCCG Open Heavens, Hatfield and an Area Pastor in charge of RCCG Area 3 North-West of England, UK. A trained senior registered Nurse in the UK.

Pastor Ayo ministers the word of God with relevance, and simplicity. She is a woman that has a heart for the people. She is compassionate and readily available to help with a passion for souls and the less privileged. She is married to Pastor Kayaode Olubiyi and they are blessed with wonderful children.


Unit 1 : Full Name

Unit 2 : Full Name

Unit 3 : Full Name

Unit 4 : Full Name

Unit 5 : Full Name

Unit 6 : Full Name

Unit 7 : Full Name